
Spazi confinati

Vedi come
Ordina per
106697, 106117, 113427, 59452, 59462
Arresto sternale Arresto sternale
Blocfor 30 Rescue Stainless steel blocfor™ 30R I - stainless steel - 100kg range - without bracket
Blocfor with bracket for Davitrac Blocfor 20R galva ESD with bracket for Davitrac - 150kg range
84122, 84132, 84142, 84152
blocfor™ 1.8A ESD 150kg blocfor™ 1.8A ESD M10 M47
70592, 75482, 70602, 70612, 86192
blocfor™ 6 ESD 150kg blocfor™ 6 ESD M10 M47
70662, 74672, 86202
Borsa : tracpode Borsa di tela tracpode
Borsa porta attrezzi Borsa porta attrezzi
Borse: gamma combipro Combipro 20l
50992, 20812, 20822
CaRol MO with console for Davitrac - lifting materials CaRol MO 500 - lifting materials - with 13m of galvanized cable and bracket for Davitrac
CaRol R with bracket for Davitrac CaRol R 250kg with 20m of galvanized cable and bracket for Davitrac
286949, 286959
CaRol TS 500 - lifting materials - with 18m of galvanized cable and bracket for Davitrac CaRol TS 500 - with 18m of galvanized cable and bracket for Davitrac
carol ™ + staffa per tracpode carol ™ 20 zincato + staffa per tracpode + fune 20m
280589, 276069, 51042, 280599, 276079, 51052, 200378
Cinghia comfort Cinghia comfort
Davimast Davimast - Colonna
davimast con argano caRol™ per movimentazione materiali caRol™ R con cavo 20m zincato e staffa per davimast
293799, 293809
davimast equipaggiato con blocfor™ R dispositivo anticaduta e di soccorso blocfor™ 20R ESD zincato con staffa per davimast - 150kg
84362, 84372, 84382, 84392
davitrac Davitrac
286819, 210118, 210128, 210108, 210138, 210098
Derope™ - zaino per trasporto Derope™ - zaino per trasporto
derope™ STD derope™ STD
194159, 50962